Sunday, January 31, 2010

Update on internet organizing

Information and updates on our internet activities has been moved to

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Welcome to the New! » cpusa

Welcome to the New! » cpusa

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I think all of the readers of this blog would be interested in exploring the upgraded, which is easier to navigate and has lots of new content.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Update and contact form--JOIN US!

Socialism is the future, so why wait? Now is a better time than ever to become involved with the Young Communist League. Here in the San Francisco Bay Area we are meeting regularly and starting to build a working club. As always, keep checking this blog for updates. You can now join and get in contact with us more easily by downloading and e-mailing our new contact form. You can also use the form below.

Our next regular meeting will on January 30th at 10:00 AM at the Niebyl-Proctor Marxist Library at 6501 Telegraph Ave in Oakland. We are planning a social type activity to take place that evening or in the near future.


Email Address:

Phone number we can reach you by:

I am interested in Joining the Young Communist League in Northern California and Nevada


Friday, January 8, 2010

The main activity of our group consists of participating in progressive struggles and recruitment.

Although we are revolutionary anti-capitalists, we realize that just as it is criminal not to act revolutionarily in a revolutionary situation, so it is wrong to try to act revolutionarily in an unrevolutionary situation.

Our task is therefore to struggle along with the masses trying to win reforms, while at the same time representing our socialist views and trying to develop anti-capitalist political consciousness. This, rather than ultra-radicalism, is the way to pave the road to a revolutionary movement, and ultimately a new society.

We want working people and progressives to understand that we are unhesitating allies in all of their fights, and we want our members and prospective members to know that they will get the opportunity to participate fully in them!